Labrador retrievers for sale in Illinois

The links on this website will take you to our newest website. We have had this one so long it’s not very mobile user friendly, but we don’t want to lose it as it is a big part of our lives. So, you will go to to view any puppies and place deposits. As this website has no way to add a way to do deposits on them. Thank you

Drift is an American/English AKC Light Yellow male. He was born here on the farm to Snow and Buster. He is a larger Labrador so keep that in mind if you want a puppy from him.

After seeing the Buster and Snow babies grow up, we made a choice to keep a male for ourselves. We love his parents and their babies so much that we had to have one. We couldn’t be happier with our big baby boy. This pup does have to do some Labrador zoomies and run around. Once he does this he will be by your side like a shadow.

He’s got a playful attitude, fast learner and loves everyone. He is a born to cuddle pup that loves to try to sit on people. He’s got no idea he can’t fit anymore and tries to anyway.

You can be outside anywhere and call him to come. He will come find you and have that goofy grin on his face.

From the moment he was born he was meant to live here. He is a true Mabry Labrador with a heart of gold.

We hope that if you get a puppy from him that you remain in contact with us as your pup grows so we can watch his kids in happy homes as well.

Thank you for checking in on Drift’s page and if you have any questions about this love bug let us know.