Labrador retrievers for sale in Illinois

The links on this website will take you to our newest website. We have had this one so long it’s not very mobile user friendly, but we don’t want to lose it as it is a big part of our lives. So, you will go to to view any puppies and place deposits. As this website has no way to add a way to do deposits on them. Thank you

Black Lab puppies for sale

Black lab puppies for sale


The black lab puppies we have range in size and type. We have them small under 50 pounds and over 100 pounds.  Please, if you have a size requirement make sure to look at our litter lists to see what sizes are expected in the litters. We only estimate sizes we can not guarantee them, however we a generally within 20% of the adult weight range we predict. There are a lot of factors that go into adult size that we will discuss with you if you need.

Please, send an email to for information on any black lab puppy you are interested in. 

lab puppies for sale

 black lab puppies 

 retriever for sale

lab puppies for sale

 black lab puppies 

 retriever for sale

lab puppies for sale

 black lab puppies 

 retriever for sale

lab puppies for sale

 black lab puppies 

 retriever for sale

 retriever for sale

 retriever for sale

 retriever for sale

 retriever for sale

We have open black puppies. Use the link below for information.

The links on this website will take you to our newest website. We have had this one so long it’s not very mobile user friendly, but we don’t want to lose it as it is a big part of our lives. So, you will go to to view any puppies and place deposits. As this website has no way to add a way to do deposits on them. Thank you 

Black lab puppies for sale